Backing Tracks for Guitar

When you perform live, you want to sound your best. So when making your choices it is critical to create or choose high quality MIDI files or backing tracks as your accompaniment. At CYBERMIDI, we realize that many of our members and customers are musicians - guitar players particularly - that demand quality, value, and flexibility.

So what do you use? MIDI Files or mp3 backing tracks are two great choices, each offering distinct advantages over each other. MIDI files are flexibe - Mp3s are not. MIDI sequences require additional devices to play them. Mp3s can be loaded on an iPod and played through your P.A. system.

Your final decision is a personal preference depending on your performance needs. If your choice is MIDI, CYBERMIDI pro MIDI files are for you. If you choose mp3 backing tracks, you'll find these at Shop CYBERMIDI.

For more information on this topic, check out this article: Using midi files as backing tracks.